for, i reviewed three melanin-friendly sunscreen options for everyday wear. the sunscreens were rated on texture, weight on my skin, and if a white cast appeared after hour-long wear (spoiler: none of them did). my directive was to review the products and deliver the necessary information with a fun yet informative tone.
black girl gamers
for bgg, i share video game news , events, and reviews on new game releases for the wider bgg community.
cozy gaming content
in alignment with my love for self-care, cozy games provide a sense of safety and relaxation that anyone can benefit from. for the lazy capricorn community, i share titles that include themes involving personal growth, spirituality, and mental and emotional wellness.
vlogging content
vlogging has been an amazing outlet for creativity and contemplation of major life moments that connect with many others. by documenting my highs and lows, i have found a community of people who (like most) are just trying to figure it all out. this section is new and growing, so brb — i feel this is a beautiful beginning to a new awakening.